Most Important Real Estate Terms and Abbreviations

Most Important Real Estate Terms and Abbreviations

Are you a real estate agent who just started learning the business? Or are you a homebuyer and searching for a perfect dream home for your family? 

Then knowledge of real estate terms is essential, particularly when dealing with your client if you are a seller and vice versa. 

Below is a compilation of the most commonly used terms and abbreviation for real estate according to yourdictionary. This includes the most common terms you may have already heard while others may be new to you. 

Common Real Estate Abbreviations 

3B/2B - tree bedrooms and two bedrooms

2C - two-car garage

A/C - air conditioning

Appls - appliances

Apt - apartment

Ba - bathroom 

Br - bedroom

CAC- central air conditioning

Ch - central heat

D/D -dishwasher and a garbage disposal

Dk -  deck

Det - detached garage

Dr/Fdr - dining room/foraml dining room

Fag - forced air gas

F/Fin Bsmt - fully finished basement

FMV - fair market vale

Fp - fireplace

FSBO - for sale by owner

Gar - garage

Hdw - hardwood floors

HOA - homeowners association

Kit - kitchen

La - living area

Lr - living room

MLS - Multiple Listing Service; database of real estate for sale

Ofc - office

Pl - swimming pool

Pvt - private

Pwdr Rm - powder room or half bath

RTO - rent to own

Sfh - single family home

Spac - scpacious

Upr - upper floor

W/D - washer and dryer

Housing Ad Abbreviations

Ac - acre

Aek - all electric kitchen

Att - attached garage

Brk - brick

Cath ceil - cathedral ceiling

Cldsc -  cul-de-sac

C/Vac - central vacuum

Cp - carport

Elv - elevator

Feat - features

Flr - floor

Gard - garden

Gdo - garage door opener

Grmet Kit - gourmet kitchen

Grt Rm - great room 

Hi Ceils - high ceilings

Mbs -  master bedroom with bathroom

Osp -  off-street parking is available

Smart - a computer controls some electronic devices like heating, alarms, and lights

Str - on-street parking

Vw - view or views

Wic - walk-in-closet


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  1. Thank you for sharing this article. It was a nice and informative post that covered all of the most important real estate terms and abbreviations. This post is extremely beneficial, especially for those who are just beginning to learn and comprehend the concept of the real estate industry.
